How to Succeed in the COBE Exam | Amizur Nachshoni

 As an educator, one of the most rewarding aspects of my profession is witnessing the growth and development of my students. Each year, I, Teacher Ami, have the privilege of guiding them on their educational journey, preparing them for one of the most significant milestones in their academic careers — the Computerized Oral Bagrut Examination, or COBE, in Israel.

The COBE, Computerized Oral Bagrut Examination. Amizur Nachshoni
The COBE, Computerized Oral Bagrut Examination. Amizur Nachshoni

The COBE Journey

The COBE is not just an exam; it represents a culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and determination. For students in Israel, this computerized oral examination is a rite of passage that assesses their proficiency in English, one of the most crucial subjects in the curriculum.

Part One: Self-Presentation (25 Points)

The first part of the COBE, self-presentation, is a critical component. It challenges students to introduce themselves confidently and fluently, showcasing their ability to communicate effectively. In this section, students are allocated 25 points.

To succeed in the self-presentation part, students must craft an engaging and informative introduction. They often start with their name, background, hobbies, and interests. However, it’s not just about what they say; it’s about how they say it. This part assesses pronunciation, intonation, and overall communication skills.

ALFI. Ministry of Education. Amizur Nahchsoni
ALFI. Ministry of Education. Amizur Nahchsoni

Part Two: Presentation of the Project (25 Points)

The second part of the COBE is equally significant as it assesses students’ ability to present a project they completed during their 11th grade. Again, students are allocated 25 points for this section. Here, they must delve into a project they’ve worked on, discussing its goals, methodologies, and results.

This part encourages critical thinking and the ability to convey complex information clearly and concisely. It’s a test of not only their language skills but also their analytical and presentation abilities. As teachers, we guide students in structuring their presentations effectively and ensuring they address key aspects of their projects.

Part Three: Video Not Studied (50 Points)

The third and final part of the COBE is the most challenging and carries the highest point allocation — 50 points. Aptly named “Video Not Studied,” this section presents students with an unprepared video clip, often related to current events or contemporary issues. They are given a brief time to watch the video and then must discuss it, providing their insights, opinions, and analysis.

This part evaluates students’ adaptability, critical thinking, and the ability to respond on the spot. It’s a test of their knowledge of current affairs and their capacity to engage in meaningful discourse. As teachers, we encourage students to stay informed about global events and practice responding to various topics to excel in this section.

The Impact on Students

The COBE goes beyond being a mere assessment. It equips students with life skills that extend far beyond the classroom. It teaches them to approach challenges with resilience and adaptability, skills that are essential in today’s rapidly changing world.

Seeing students grow into articulate, confident individuals ready to take on the world is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a COBE teacher. It’s a journey filled with both academic and personal triumphs, and it’s an honor to play a role in their success.

Finally, in Israel, the COBE is not just an examination; it’s a transformative experience that prepares students for the future. It’s a testament to the dedication of teachers, the hard work of students, and the unwavering support of parents. As a teacher, I am proud to be part of this journey, guiding students toward academic excellence and personal growth. The COBE is not just a test; it’s a stepping stone to a brighter future, and it’s an honor to be a part of that journey.

Video: How to Succeed in the COBE Exam — איך להצליח בבחינת הבגרות בעל פה באנגלית | Teacher Ami

The COBE in Israel is undoubtedly a significant milestone for students and teachers alike, representing not only academic achievement but also personal growth and development across its three distinct parts.

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