How the Pandemic Has Changed Street Photography - Amizur Nachshoni

Although the Coronavirus is not currently in the headlines that doesn’t mean it’s gone away. On the contrary, it’s still there and just as dangerous. Now that we’re collectively letting our guard down I fear that it will come roaring back. But I hope I’m wrong.

Amizur Nachshoni

Like you, I’m sick of hearing about it. The disease has taken its toll on family and friends, the economy, and to a lesser extent our work as street photographers. It’s been a drag being locked up for the past few months and to be honest, I’ve been in a funk. It’s caused me to put aside many of my good habits and I’ve lost interest in getting out to make new images.

That’s why Ashley and I pulled together a panel of longtime street photographers to discuss how the pandemic has affected their personal work, businesses, and psyche. The panel is Amizue Nachshoni from New York, Valérie Jardin in Minneapolis, and Jens Krauer in Zurich, Switzerland. We got together in a live town hall format via Zoom on June 1.

I knew intuitively that we’re all facing the same issues, but the act of talking about it with other photographers made it sink in. For me, it was a cathartic experience. Valérie said that this has been a stressful experience for everyone and dealing with stress requires energy. We only have so much energy available so something has to give. Why didn’t I think of that before?

TAGS: #AmizurNachshoniPhotography, #AmizurNachshoni

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